Package 'supernova'

Title: Judd, McClelland, & Ryan Formatting for ANOVA Output
Description: Produces ANOVA tables in the format used by Judd, McClelland, and Ryan (2017, ISBN: 978-1138819832) in their introductory textbook, Data Analysis. This includes proportional reduction in error and formatting to improve ease the transition between the book and R.
Authors: Adam Blake [cre, aut] , Jeff Chrabaszcz [aut], Ji Son [aut] , Jim Stigler [aut]
Maintainer: Adam Blake <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 3.0.0
Built: 2025-01-25 04:34:41 UTC

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Plotting method for pairwise objects.


Plotting method for pairwise objects.


autoplot.pairwise(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'pairwise'
plot(x, y, ...)



A pairwise object.


Additional arguments passed to the plotting geom.


A pairwise object.


Ignored, required for compatibility with the plot() generic.


This function requires an optional dependency: ggplot2. When this package is installed, calling autoplot() or plot on a pairwise object will generate a plot of the pairwise comparisons. The plot will show the differences between the groups, with error bars representing the confidence intervals. The x-axis will be labeled with the type of confidence interval used and the values of the differences, and the y-axis will be labeled with the groups being compared. A dashed line at 0 is included to help visualize the differences.


if (require(ggplot2)) {
  # generate the plot immediately
  pairwise(lm(mpg ~ factor(am) + disp, data = mtcars), plot = TRUE)

  # or save the object and plot it later
  p <- pairwise(lm(mpg ~ factor(am) + disp, data = mtcars))

Drop a term from the given model


This function is needed to re-fit the models for Type III SS. If you have a model with an interactive term (e.g. y ~ a + b + a:b), when you try to refit without one of the lower-order terms (e.g. y ~ a + a:b) lm() will add it back in. This function uses a fitting function that operates underneath lm() to circumvent this behavior. (It is very similar to drop1().)


drop_term(fit, term)



The model to update.


The term to drop from the model.


An object of the class lm.

Print the output of lm() with the fitted equation.


Print the output of lm() with the fitted equation.


equation(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L))



The fitted linear model to print.


The minimal number of significant digits.


Invisibly return the fitted linear model.

Generate a List of Models for Computing Different Types of Sums of Squares


This function will return a list of lists where the top-level keys (names) of the items indicate the component of the full model (i.e. the term) that the generated models can be used to test. At each of these keys is a list with both the complex and ⁠simple models⁠ that can be compared to test the component. The complex models always include the target term, and the simple models are identical to the complex except the target term is removed. Thus, when the models are compared (e.g. using anova, except for Type III; see details below), the resulting values will show the effect of adding the target term to the model. There are three generally used approaches to determining what the appropriate comparison models should be, called Type I, II, and III. See the sections below for more information on these types.


generate_models(model, type = 3)

## S3 method for class 'formula'
generate_models(model, type = 3)

## S3 method for class 'lm'
generate_models(model, type = 3)



The model to generate the models from, of the type lm(), aov(), or formula().


The type of sums of squares to calculate: - Use 1, I, and sequential for Type I. - Use 2, II, and hierarchical for Type II. - Use 3, III, and orthogonal for Type III.


A list of the augmented models for each term, where the associated term is the key for each model in the list.

Type I

For Type I SS, or sequential SS, each term is considered in order after the preceding terms are considered. Consider the example model

Y ~ A + B + A:B

, where ":" indicates an interaction. To determine the Type I effect of A, we would compare the model Y ~ A to the same model without the term: Y ~ NULL. For B, we compare Y ~ A + B to Y ~ A; and for A:B, we compare Y ~ A + B + A:B to Y ~ A + B. Incidentally, the anova() function that ships with the base installation of R computes Type I statistics.

Type II

For Type II SS, or hierarchical SS, each term is considered in the presence of all of the terms that do not include it. For example, consider an example three-way factorial model

Y ~ A + B + C + A:B + A:C + B:C + A:B:C

, where ":" indicates an interaction. The effect of A is found by comparing Y ~ B + C + B:C + A to Y ~ B + C + B:C (the only terms included are those that do not include A). For B, the comparison models would be Y ~ A + C + A:C + B and Y ~ A + C + A:C; for A:B, the models would be Y ~ A + B + C + A:C + B:C + A:B and Y ~ A + B + C + A:C + B:C; and so on.

Type III

For Type III SS, or orthogonal SS, each term is considered in the presence of all of the other terms. For example, consider an example two-way factorial model

Y ~ A + B + A:B

, where : indicates an interaction between the terms. The effect of A, is found by comparing Y ~ B + A:B + A to Y ~ B + A:B; for B, the comparison models would be Y ~ A + A:B + B and Y ~ A + A:B; and for A:B, the models would be Y ~ A + B + A:B and Y ~ A + B.

Unfortunately, anova() cannot be used to compare Type III models. anova() does not allow for violation of the principle of marginality, which is the rule that interactions should only be tested in the context of their lower order terms. When an interaction term is present in a model, anova() will automatically add in the lower-order terms, making a model like Y ~ A + A:B unable to be compared: it will add the lower-order term B,and thus use the model Y ~ A + B + A:B instead. To get the appropriate statistics for Type III comparisons, use drop1() with the full scope, i.e. drop1(model_fit, scope = . ~ .).


# create all type 2 comparison models
models <- generate_models(
  lm(mpg ~ hp * factor(am), data = mtcars),
  type = 2

# compute the SS for the hp term
anova_hp <- anova(models$hp$simple, models$hp$complex)
anova_hp[["Sum of Sq"]][[2]]

Remove cases with missing values.


Remove cases with missing values.


listwise_delete(obj, vars)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
listwise_delete(obj, vars = names(obj))

## S3 method for class 'lm'
listwise_delete(obj, vars = all.vars(formula(obj)))



The data.frame or lm object to process.


The variables to consider.


For data.frames, the vars are checked for missing values. If one is found on any of the variables, the entire row is removed (list-wise deletion). For linear models, the model is refit after the underlying data have been processed.

number vector


This creates a formatted double vector. You can specify the number of digits you want the value to display after the decimal, and the underlying value will not change. Additionally you can explicitly set whether scientific notation should be used and if numbers less than 0 should contain a leading 0.


number(x = numeric(), digits = 3L, scientific = FALSE, leading_zero = TRUE)




  • For number(): A numeric vector

    • For is_number(): An object to test

    • For as_number(): An object to coerce to a number


The number of digits to display after the decimal point.


Whether the number should be represented with scientific notation (e.g. 1e2)


Whether a leading zero should be used on numbers less than 0 (e.g. .001)


An S3 vector of class supernova_number. It should behave like a double, but be formatted consistently.


number(1:5, digits = 3)

Compute all pairwise comparisons between category levels


This function is useful for generating and testing all pairwise comparisons of categorical terms in a linear model. This can be done in base R using functions like pairwise.t.test and TukeyHSD, but these functions are inconsistent both in their output format and their general approach to pairwise comparisons. pairwise() will return a consistent table format, and will make consistent decisions about how to calculate error terms and confidence intervals. See the Details section low for more on how the models are tested (and why your output might not match other functions).


  correction = "Tukey",
  term = NULL,
  alpha = 0.05,
  var_equal = TRUE,
  plot = FALSE

pairwise_t(fit, term = NULL, alpha = 0.05, correction = "none")

pairwise_bonferroni(fit, term = NULL, alpha = 0.05)

pairwise_tukey(fit, term = NULL, alpha = 0.05)



A model fit by lm() or aov() (or similar).


The type of correction (if any) to perform to maintain the family-wise error-rate specified by alpha: - Tukey: computes Tukey's Honestly Significant Differences (see TukeyHSD()) - Bonferroni: computes pairwise t-tests and then apply a Bonferroni correction - none: computes pairwise t-tests and reports the uncorrected statistics


If NULL, use each categorical term in the model. Otherwise, only use the given term.


The family-wise error-rate to restrict the tests to. If "none" is given for correction, this value is the value for each test (and is used to calculate the family-wise error-rate for the group of tests).


If TRUE (default), treat the variances between each group as being equal, otherwise the Welch or Satterthwaite method is used to appropriately weight the variances. Note:, currently only TRUE is supported. Alternative methods forthcoming.


Setting plot to TRUE will automatically call plot on the returned object.


For simple one-way models where a single categorical variable predicts and outcome, you will get output similar to other methods of computing pairwise comparisons. Essentially, the differences on the outcome between each of the groups defined by the categorical variable are compared with the requested test, and their confidence intervals and p-values are adjusted by the requested correction.

However, when more than two variables are entered into the model, the outcome will diverge somewhat from other methods of computing pairwise comparisons. For traditional pairwise tests you need to estimate an error term, usually by pooling the standard deviation of the groups being compared. This means that when you have other predictors in the model, their presence is ignored when running these tests. For the functions in this package, we instead compute the pooled standard error by using the mean squared error (MSE) from the full model fit.

Let's take a concrete example to explain that. If we are predicting a car's miles-per-gallon (mpg) based on whether it has an automatic or manual transmission (am), we can create that linear model and get the pairwise comparisons like this:

pairwise(lm(mpg ~ factor(am), data = mtcars))

The output of this code will have one table showing the comparison of manual and automatic transmissions with regard to miles-per-gallon. The pooled standard error is the same as the square root of the MSE from the full model.

In these data the am variable did not have any other values than automatic and manual, but we can imagine situations where the predictor has more than two levels. In these cases, the pooled SD would be calculated by taking the MSE of the full model (not of each group) and then weighting it based on the size of the groups in question (divide by n).

To improve our model, we might add the car's displacement (disp) as a quantitative predictor:

pairwise(lm(mpg ~ factor(am) + disp, data = mtcars))

Note that the output still only has a table for am. This is because we can't do a pairwise comparison using disp because there are no groups to compare. Most functions will drop or not let you use this variable during pairwise comparisons. Instead, pairwise() uses the same approach as in the 3+ groups situation: we use the MSE for the full model and then weight it by the size of the groups being compared. Because we are using the MSE for the full model, the effect of disp is accounted for in the error term even though we are not explicitly comparing different displacements. Importantly, the interpretation of the outcome is different than in other traditional t-tests. Instead of saying, "there is a difference in miles-per-gallon based on the type of transmission," we must add that this difference is found "after accounting for displacement."


A list of tables organized by the terms in the model. For each term (categorical terms only, as splitting on a continuous variable is generally uninformative), the table describes all of the pairwise-comparisons possible.



An alternative set of summary statistics for ANOVA. Sums of squares, degrees of freedom, mean squares, and F value are all computed with Type III sums of squares, but for fully-between subjects designs you can set the type to I or II. This function adds to the output table the proportional reduction in error, an explicit summary of the whole model, separate formatting of p values, and is intended to match the output used in Judd, McClelland, and Ryan (2017).


supernova(fit, type = 3, verbose = TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'lm'
supernova(fit, type = 3, verbose = TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'lmerMod'
supernova(fit, type = 3, verbose = FALSE)



A model fit by lm() or lme4::lmer()


The type of sums of squares to calculate (see generate_models()). Defaults to the widely used Type III SS.


If FALSE, the description column is suppressed.


An object of the class supernova, which has a clean print method for displaying the ANOVA table in the console as well as a named list:


The ANOVA table as a data.frame


The original lm or lmer object being tested


Models created by generate_models


Judd, C. M., McClelland, G. H., & Ryan, C. S. (2017). Data Analysis: A Model Comparison Approach to Regression, ANOVA, and Beyond (3rd ed.). New York: Routledge. ISBN:879-1138819832


supernova(lm(mpg ~ disp, data = mtcars))

change_p_decimals <- supernova(lm(mpg ~ disp, data = mtcars))
print(change_p_decimals, pcut = 8)

Update a model in the environment the model was created in


stats::update() will perform the update in parent.frame() by default, but this can cause problems when the update is called by another function (so the parent frame is no longer the environment the user is in).


update_in_env(object, formula., ...)



An existing fit from a model function such as lm(), glm() and many others.


Changes to the formula – see update.formula for details.


Additional arguments to the call, or arguments with changed values. Use name = NULL to remove the argument name.


The updated model is returned.

Extract the variables from a model formula


Extract the variables from a model formula



## S3 method for class 'supernova'

## S3 method for class 'formula'

## S3 method for class 'lm'

## S3 method for class 'lmerMod'



A formula, lm or supernova object


A list containing the outcome and predictor variables in the model.